I want to share with you something one of my students has done for posterity. The artist is Dale Sherman of Roswell, Georgia. This is a family heirloom, 1903 Silver Tea Service from Derby Silver Company of Connecticut. It has been in her family for 112 years. Her great-grandmother who married in 1897 was its first owner. In creating this family heirloom Dale as painstakingly rendered each piece in the set, teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, dump pot for the tea leaves and the amazing shadows. Her intentions were to create a piece of art as a family heirloom that can be passed on for generations and historical data and details be included with the artwork. as it is passed along in the family. There is only one Tea Set and now others can have giclee prints (her Christmas presents this year), the Original Carbon Pencil Drawing, or the actual Real Tea Set.