African Violets Austin's 'Smile' *w'Rebels Two-Cents' *v'My Love' w'Pow Wow'*v'Crinkle Blue'*v top of plant'Wonderland' *v'Blue Dragon' *w'Ian-Minuet'**w'White Queen'Austin's 'Smile''White Queen' *v'Rebels Two-Cents''Rebels Two-Cents' *v group'Lemon Cookle' *v"Jolly Diamond' *v miniature'Armour Elite' *w'Irish Lullaby' *w'Tiger' *wAustin's 'Smile' *w'Tiger' w'Rebels Two-Cents'25a812Cheyenne *v'My Love' *v'Lil Glimpse O' Spring''Rebels Two-Cents''Jolly Diamond''Pow Wow' **v'Panda Paws''Ian-Minuet' *v'Jolly Texan' *whole plant'Irish Laughter''Irish Laughter' *v'Irish Laughter''Ellie Gardner' *v semi-miniature'Rebels Two-Cents' *V'Irish Laughter'**w'Crinkle Blue''Jolly Texan' *v'Wonderland''Looking Glass' *v'My Passion' *v'Rebels Two-Cents' *v'Rebels Two-Cents' *v'Jolly Diamond' miniature *vRebels Two-Cents'*v'Pow Wow' *v'Pow Wow''White Queen''Jolly Texan''My Love'*v'Panda Paws'*v'Powwow' (whole plant)'Powwow' (whole plants +'Pixie Blue')'Sugar Plum Dream''Pixie Pink' *w (whole plant)'Wonderland' vPowwow (whole plant)'Pixie Blue' *v (whole plant) miniature trailer'Jolly Magic'(whole plant)'Jolly Texan' *v (whole) semi-miniature'Dottie Pink' *w'Water Sprite' w'Water Sprite' w'Ian-Minuet'*w'Ian-Minuet'*w'White Queen' w'Irish Lullaby' *v'Powwow'*vWhite Bi-color magenta edges *w'Jolly Texan' *v semi-miniature'My Love' *vAustin's 'Smile' *v'Crown Jewel' *vAustin's 'Smile''Water Sprite' vWhite Bi-color magenta edge *v'Irish Lullaby' *v'Irish Lullaby' v'Irish Lullaby' *vCirelda semi-miniature Trailer'Cirelda' *w Semi-miniature Trailer'Lavendar Magic'-Standard'Lavendar Magic''Lavendar Magic' - Standard'Lavendar Magic'*v'Lavendar Magic''Lavendar Magic'*W'Winter Finale'Mac's 'Elegant Emerald' - 4"MiniatureNo Name 3" miniaturea6a52954-510f-40bc-80dd-827af9251223'White Queen' *v'Blue Dragon'*w'Water Sprite' *vStreptocarpus ‘White Ice’'Angelique' (Russian: Anzhelika)'April in Paris'*w'Rebels Two-Cents'*v'Lemon Cookie' *v miniature'Blue Dragon'*v'Blue Dragon' *v'Blue Mist' (Russian: Goluboi Tuman)'Buckeye's Cranberry Sparkler''Rebel's Two-Cents''Lil Glimpse of Spring''South Carloina Elegant Affair'*'Carousel' (Russian: LE-Karusel)'Cirelda' semi-miniature trailerRebels Two-Cents *v'La-A' Miniature'La-A' *whole MiniatureCirelda Semi-miniture trailer'Pow Wow'*lighter vd0946b36-4d9d-49d1-be9f-ae3461543d92'Daydream Pink'Streptocarpus 'White Ice' v'Jolly Texan''Jolly Orchid' *v (whole plant) micro-miniature'Pixie Blue' *v miniature trailer'Water Sprite'*v'Elle Gardner' *v semi-miniature'Water Sprite' *w'Rebels Two-Cents''White Queen''Rebels Two-Cents' *V'Dottie Pink' *v'Wonderland' *v'Fantasy Finale' - Russian Standard'Rebels Two-Cents' **vWhite Bi-color magenta edges *w'My Love' **w'Rebel's Two-Cents' *vGrowing Violets in the Kitchen Window July 2019My new violet shelves shown growing my baby plants 7/2019growing3The Babies are doing well 7/2019Growing the mediums and semi-smalls 7/2019A good look at the shelving with the babies 7/2019'Humako-Inches'*ionanthus var. ionanthus'Irish Flirt'*'Jersey Snowflakes' *Whole plant'Jersey Snowflakes'*whole plant'Jolly Magic' *v'Kei-Yoki' *Whole plant'King's Ransom' *'Lacy's Claire''Lavendar Magic'*w'Lil Glimpse O' Spring' *'Linda Darnell' - miniatureLittle Julie'Looking Glass' *vMac's Just JeffMac's Elegant EmeraldMa's-Arctic-Sky_LRGMorgan's Bibighar'Morgan's Bibighar''Ocean Surf' *'Ode to Beauty'Party ParasolPavlina'Pixie Pink' Trailer'Pixie Pink' *vRob's 'Astro Zombie'Rob's 'Berry Shake' - semi-miniatureRob's 'Loose Noodle'Rose-Bouquet_LRG'Shirl's Hawaiian Lei''Spice Island' - Standard'Water Sprite'*w'Water Sprite'*vWhite Queen * whole plaht'Winter Flower' Whole plant'Winter Finale' *w'Winter Finale''Wonderland' in bloom'Armour Elite', *v Russian variety'Tiger' *w'White Queen' *w'Armour Elite', *v Russian variety'April_in_Paris' *v'Wonderland' *sq'White Queen' **w'Private Dancer' *v'Private_Dancer' *w_'Sugar Plum Dreams' *w20200126_12162220200126_12164320200126_12195820200131_10421620200131_11112220200131_11534820200131_12450420200131_12464320200131_12545020200131_12565120200131_13043920200131_13043920200131_13043920200131_131020